Thursday 9-2
Friday 9-2 with reduced prices
Saturday 9 to 2 – 1/2 price
Note we are starting on Thursday for this unique sale. The large house is packed with a life-time of treasures. There is a 2-seater Thorp S-18 airplane kit-yes for you to build and fly her late husband Bob never quite got around to assembling. Furniture includes, long church pew, dining table & 8 chairs, Singer treadle sewing machine, sofa’s, chairs, end tables, floor & table lamps, single ornate iron bed, dressers, old trunks, wicker rocker, lots of furniture for projects, nice antique Monarch kitchen stove, patio furniture, barbeque, organ with speaker, stereo systems, exercise equipment, old suitcases, art work, 2 portable room air conditioner units, barber chair, book shelves, file cabinets, desks, music cabinet, lots of fabric, antique platform scale, art deco ceiling lamps, glass ware, collector plates, enamel ware, primitives, oil lamps, Cuisinart kitchen ware, cast iron, bear skin rug, tanned elk hide, bear skull, 100’s of books & magazines, including a massive National Geographic collection, hats, collectible cameras, old typewriters, 5 & 10 gal Red wing crocks, office supplies, Brother printer, insulators, hand braided rugs, quilts, bench grinders, Grizzly sander, Grizzly commercial Table saw looks new, pipe clamps, Grizzly band saw looks new, bench drill presses, wood workers bench, large vise, Craftsman table saw, alum. & fiberglass ladders, refrigerator, freezer, tents, scuba gear equipment, fishing poles & tackle, bamboo fly rods, fishing rod wrapper kit, aluminum boat & 10 HP Mercury boat motor, cases of old beer bottles, Cushcraft communication antenna, Troy Bilt Pony rototiller, Homelite 5HP 2 stage snowblower, yard tools, chain saw, wheel barrows, Hohner antique accordian in box, old road signs, Nissan 280Z engine & transmission, reloading, pistol grips, lots of LP’s, and much more!
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Preview pictures (these are only a sampling of items at the sale – please click on a picture to enlarge):